Monday, July 19, 2010

Costume Referrences and Resources

The internet is full of talented people who are willing to share their knowledge and help others out and I just think that's a beautiful thing :)

Here are the two best websites on the world wide web to find referrence photos for the gold gown, hat's off to the owners of these helpful sites.

Here you can find an amzingly accurate and high res pattern for the embroidery on the front panel/"stomacher", hats off to this lady! Her corset, hat, jewellry and fan are perfect too!!

High res photos of the real deal, close ups of trim, lace, accessories and some advice and tips. This is the site I have used the most.

I also signed up to (it's free and pretty quick too) and there are quite a few elizabeth swanns on there whom may be happy to give tips, it also just gave me inspiration and ideas seeing everyone elses creations.

My next post will be some links for elizabeth's hair and make-up which is less commonly discussed.

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